Dating as a millennial comes with its ups and downs but what happens when you decide to pack your bags, move to the other side of the world and experience the dating scene in Canada. It is not strange news that once you move to Canada your dating pool automatically shrinks particularly as an immigrant. This pushes you to build new connections and relationships in order to explore the dating scene in Canada.
Once you have settled in Canada, with everything going well, you are looking for your love life to flourish and you want to create new memories with a partner. Canada is an amazing country if you are looking to meet amazing people from different walks of life. The dating scene in Canada may be very different from what you are used to in your home country. Of course, it is never too late to know what you are up against when it comes to dating. Here are a few takeaways about the dating scene in Canada:
Everybody knows Everybody
Canada is the second-largest country in the world with a low-density population. This makes sense as to why people have a small social circle and it is easy for everyone to know each other. If you are not socially isolated in Canada then you have a bubble of people you hang out with and you make connections through that bubble and it goes on like that. So when you meet someone through that bubble, you realize a number of people in your circle know the person. As it relates to dating, it is very easy to get details about the supposed person you are seeing. Do not be too surprised if the person has an ex or 2 in your bubble. The “everyone knows everyone “ mentality holds people back as it may feel everyone is somewhat related through relationships.
Casual Hook Ups
Casual hook-up is a thing in the western world. Depending on what upbringing a person has, casual hookups may be frowned upon which makes the dating pool smaller for someone who is not into it. Be sure that when you go on dates you two are on the same page so you do not get yourself into a sticky situation.
Online Dating Is a Norm
According to KindkD, Coronavirus has caused a spike in online dating. Tinder, E-harmony, Hinge and a bunch of other dating apps are used a lot to find a date. It is not the conventional way of meeting people but technology has found a way to bring people together while being socially isolated. Online dating platforms hold the possibility of finding someone to date. Netflix Love is Blind, Lauren & Cameron found love through a social experiment (unconventional way eh?) so you can. Be ready to embrace the change of meeting people through this channel and you may just be lucky.
Long-Distance Relationships
I find that people will rather maintain being in a long-distance relationship with someone from their place of origin living in another city or country. There is a huge embrace of long-distance relationships which makes one hold on to what they have going. Long-distance relationships come with its costs and sacrifice such as time difference, cost of calling out of province(if one does not have a Canada -wide/international call plan) and so on.
In the Canadian workforce, Inclusion and diversity is on the rise to transform work environments to what society looks like. There are tonnes of people dating outside of their culture and race. As much as this is a good thing it can also be a setback for some. People who are formed in their ways sometimes, may not want to date outside their comfort zone. Some immigrants will rather be with someone of the same nationality than date outside their nationality to avoid cultural differences. Let’s not lie, it is easy to relate with someone who looks like you, has similar experiences and gets life the way you do.
With all that being said, you have the power to define what dating in Canada will be like for you. If you are in a university city like Halifax in Nova Scotia, the dating pool can become wider as new students come in about 3 times in a year – September, January & April. Here is what people had to say about dating in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Let me know what your experience is like dating in Canada in the comment section.
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This was such a good read Tolu…. I so much love how you did your research and you were also able to relate this to trending topics ( corona virus and love is blind). I feel like people who are not into casual hookups suffer the most because it’s just very hard to meet people who are on the same page as you. Looking forward to more satisfying pieces from you!!
Unravel with Tolu
If you are not into casual hookups , you might just be heartbroken….Thank you so much for all your lovely comments.
You’re amazing Tolu! Thank you so much for this!
Unravel with Tolu
I am glad you like it